Ango Opening: The Power of Vow

Ango Opening: The Power of Vow

Seido talks about the important of giving careful consideration and voice to one’s vow. Inspired by some of Chozen Bays Roshi’s work on the Vow Powered Life, the talk formally launches EFZW’s 100 day practice period during which written vows are...
Koan Summer

Koan Summer

A series of talks exploring how the spirit of koan practice meets life freshly and points to what is most essential in any one moment. Each week, Seido gives a directive on how to take up a koan and explores some of the classical cases celebrated in the Zen...
Brahma Viharas: Equanimity

Brahma Viharas: Equanimity

Final talk on the Brahma Vihara’s that include kindness, compassion and joy and equanimity. Seido talks about how the mind of equanimity, rooted in the deepest wisdom, is essential for the other three to fully function. Talk explores what is in the way of a...
Brahma Vihara: Appreciative Joy

Brahma Vihara: Appreciative Joy

In this third talk of a four part series, Seido calls attention to the presence and necessity of tending simple joys in daily life and how this kindles the heart to find joy in the happiness of others. The Brahma Viharas or “Heavenly Abodes” include...
Brahma Viharas: Compassion

Brahma Viharas: Compassion

Seido talks about the centrality of compassion in Zen practice and how to generate compassion for oneself, a fundamental requirement to extending compassion to others. This is the second talk in a four part series on kindness, compassion, joy and...